Things to Consider Before Sending Your Work

A Note on Diversity: Homebound Publications is a Queer/Trans-owned business. Across all our imprints, we are deeply invested in reading and publishing diverse voices spanning different religions, ethnicities, and marginalized communities. We strongly welcome submissions from writers within the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities, writers living with a disability, writers living with refugee status . . . to name a few. Creative individuals from all backgrounds and communities should consider our press a safe space. In an effort to close the gap in visibility and opportunity for these communities, we have open calls for unsolicited submissions for both the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities.

In General: We accept the following styles: creative non-fiction, literary fiction, travel writing, and essay collections. We are a traditional royalty-based publisher.

Editor’s Note on Tone and Direction: We are seeking titles with a special focus on the intersection of the natural landscape and the interior landscape. Authors representative of the work we seek would be: Barry Lopez, Black Elk, Red Pine, Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, David Abram, Mary Oliver, Annie Dillard, Joy Harjo, Jack Kerouac, Walt Whitman, John Muir, Terry Tempest Williams, Jim Harrison, John O’Donohue, Bell Hooks, Joan Didion, Dianne D. Glave, Adrienne Rich, Allen Ginsberg, June Jordan, Patti Smith, Wendell Berry . . . 

Our Books: Our books are available worldwide, distributed by Publisher’s Group West, a division of Ingram Publishing Services, and are listed at standard terms through wholesalers such as Ingram and Baker & Taylor. Our books can be purchased at indie bookstores across the country as well as Amazon, B&N and other retailers. We publish in paperback, hardcover, ebook, and audiobook.

A Few Things to Know
If you wish to submit to Homebound Publications, please be aware of the following:

  • We an independent publisher releasing avant-garde work during a volatile time in the market. On average, we receive 4000+ submissions a year. With our present budget, we can only publish 15-20 titles annually. This translates into literally thousands of quality projects being rejected simply due to budgetary restrictions.
  • We expect our authors to be active participants in marketing their titles. You should be prepared to assist in a wide range of marketing practices, including a presence on at least one social networking site; actively seeking interviews; actively seeking virtual events; networking with fellow poets; relationship building with indie booksellers and local libraries…etc.
  • We are happy to receive submissions that have been sent simultaneously to other publishers. 
  • If you send us a submission in the mail, please do so knowing that no materials will be returned to you. Please do not send precious or irreplaceable materials.

Response Time
We are currently backlogged and closed to unsolicited submissions. The next open reading period is Summer 2024.

We look forward to reading your work!

A category for those submissions/proposals coming from a literary agent. 

*Please note we do not accept fiction at this time. 

This is an open call for submissions to those writers who identify as a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + community. 


Across all our imprints, we are deeply invested in reading and publishing diverse voices spanning across different religions, ethnicities, and marginalized communities. We strongly welcome submissions from of writers within the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities, writers living with a disability, writers living with refugee status. . . to name a few. Writers from all backgrounds and communities should consider our press a safe space.

Entry Guidelines for Poetry Submissions

  • To enter, the poetry collection must be previously unpublished.
  • A limited number of individual poems may have appeared in print or online but the poet must hold sole rights to the work.
  • Manuscripts must be in English.
  • The manuscript must be no less than 48 and no more than 80 pages in length (without front of back matter).
  • Simultaneous submissions welcome.
  • No reading fee
  • Average turnaround time for manuscripts is 6-8 Months (Maybe Less).

Entry Guidelines for Creative Nonfiction Submissions

Here you may submit the following styles: Creative Non-Fiction, Travel Writing, and Essay Collections.

Authors representative of the work we seek would be: Barry Lopez, Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, David Abram, Mary Oliver, Rainer Maria Rilke, Annie Dillard, David Whyte, Cheryl Strayed, Jack Kerouac, Walt Whitman, and Henry David Thoreau.

Formatting and Misc: Manuscripts should be double-spaced and written in English following the Chicago Manual of Style.

Length: We accept works that are at least 20,000 words and are no more than 60,000 words. *If you book is over 60,000 words, we (sadly) won't be the publisher for you. Why is this?  Given the rising costs of paper in light of the global paper storage, we do not have the margin to take on works over this length and make a profit.

In your proposal, please Include:

  • Biographical Statement
  • Full Manuscript *All manuscripts must follow the Chicago Manuel of Style.
  • A marketing analysis including sales points, similar titles, and the authors' plans for self-promotion.

This open call for submissions is to open to writers who self-identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color, BIPOC or BIPOC-adjacent communities.  


Across all our imprints, we are deeply invested in reading and publishing diverse voices spanning across different religions, ethnicities, and marginalized communities. We strongly welcome submissions from of writers within the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities, writers living with a disability, writers living with refugee status. . . to name a few. Writers from all backgrounds and communities should consider our press a safe space.

Entry Guidelines for Poetry Submissions

  • To enter, the poetry collection must be previously unpublished.
  • A limited number of individual poems may have appeared in print or online but the poet must hold sole rights to the work.
  • Manuscripts must be in English.
  • The manuscript must be no less than 48 and no more than 80 pages in length (without front of back matter).
  • Simultaneous submissions welcome. 
  • No reading fee
  • Average turnaround time for manuscripts is 4-6 Months (Maybe Less).


Entry Guidelines for Creative Nonfiction Submissions

Here you may submit the following styles: Creative Non-Fiction, Travel Writing, and Essay Collections.

Authors representative of the work we seek would be: Barry Lopez, Joanna Macy, Gary Snyder, David Abram, Mary Oliver, Rainer Maria Rilke, Annie Dillard, David Whyte, Cheryl Strayed, Jack Kerouac, Walt Whitman, and Henry David Thoreau.

Formatting and Misc: Manuscripts should be double-spaced and written in English following the Chicago Manual of Style. 

Length: We accept works that are at least 20,000 words and are no more than 60,000 words. *If you book is over 60,000 words, we (sadly) won't be the publisher for you. Why is this?  Given the rising costs of paper in light of the global paper storage, we do not have the margin to take on works over this length and make a profit.

In Your Proposal Please Include:

  • Biographical Statement
  • Full Manuscript *All manuscripts must follow the Chicago Manuel of Style.
  • A marketing analysis including: sales points, similar titles, and the authors' plans for self-promotion. 

Homebound Publications